Account Management, Contracts, Grants, and Payroll
Supervisor - - David Tanguay
- Grant and Contract Proposal/Budget proposal and proejctions & all related forms- data sheets - Conflict of Interest - 700U & Form 800
- Building Repair - Major
- Business Agreements and Contracts - Independent consultants
- Effort Commitment and Cost Sharing & Effort Reporting
- Financial Statements/Reports to Sponsoring Agency
- Financial Statement in DaFIS/Kauli
- Salary Projections
Executive Assistance (Merits, Recruitments, Hatch)
Supervisor - Chris Harlan
- Prepare all academic merit and promotion processes, appraisals, AES reviews. – (Academic Senate & Federation) (Academic Senate & Federation)
- Academic Recruitments - (Academic Senate & Federation)
- Assist faculty with completion of Annual Activity Report and Outside Professional Activities Report
- Assist faculty with sabbatical requestand other types of leaves, preparation of appropriate faculty leaves of absence documents
- Assist with submitting Initial Dossiers for new hires and changes in status for all other academic personnel, i.e., Faculty, CE Specialists, Project Scientists, Professional Researchers and Adjunct Faculty, in addition to Lecturers, and Associate In's
- Chair's Phone & Calendar
- Coordinate reporting for the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) projects to include new and revised projects, annual progress and termination reports.
Human Resources and Personnel
Supervisor - Leslie Jones
- Recruitment and employment - Staff
- Classification and reclassifications - Staff
- Compensation (salary, merits, equity, stipends) - Staff
- Employee and labor relations - Staff
- Interpretation of UC system-wide personnel policies and collective bargaining agreements
- Layoff issues - Staff
- Leaves including Family Medical Leave (FMLA) – Both Academic and Staff
- Performance management and evaluation - Staff
- Complex Visas
- Injury reporting
- Volunteers/Temporariy Affiliat Forms/Visitor
Purchasing and Travel
Email: and
Supervisor - Alexis Arevalo-Phung
- Purchasing (purchase orders, business contracts, purchasing cards, UCD Buy, Storehouse)
- Internal & external billing for approved rates
- Building Repair - Major
- Accounts Payable (invoice payments, reimbursements, checking account payments, honoraria, travel & entertainment expense reports, etc.)
- Telephone orders
- Equipment Inventory
- Deposit Checks
Information Technology
Email: and
Supervisor: Christopher Derr
- Desktop Support (hardware and software troubleshooting)
- Purchasing and Installation of Computers/Software
- Website Design and Web Application Development
- High Performance Computing
- Servers, Storage, and Backups
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