Room Reservations

LAWR's calendar reservation system works for PES 1147, 1149, 2004, 2005, 3001,Courtyard, Hoagland 124, 145, Veihmeyer 220.

1) Review room availability at

2) Email with your dates and times requested.

3) The Metro reservation folks will add your dates to the calendar and confirm via email when complete.


ETOX and WFCB's reservation system works for Meyer 4206, 4249, Academic Surge 1074, 1371, and the conference room, as well as various equipment signout.

1) Go to to view availability

2) Click the + sign by the date you want to reserve.

3) Fill out the form, include your email address, the room/equipment you're reserving, date, time.

Metro South calendar

**Once added, you cannot edit or delete a reservation.  For edits or deletions, please email